Heart360 Cardiovascular Wellness Tool
Medical research shows that there are nearly 80 million Americans diagnosed with hypertension. High blood pressure is not only a silent killer, but also the single biggest risk factor for heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular problems including kidney damage, vision and memory loss (Heart Insight, A Publication of the American Heart, February 2014). Countless Americans do not know that they already have high blood pressure. Research scientists declare that children today will not live longer than their parents if nothing is done to change their eating habits and lifestyle.
Let’s begin to have a culture of wellness in our families and in our community by keeping the temple of God (our physical body) in good shape! We can start by participating in a Heart360 program offered at our church. The Heart360 is a cardiovascular wellness tool designed to help reduce/manage the blood pressure of the members of our congregation and can also track other helpful health data such as weight and physical activity. This is a free healthcare tool being provided by the American Heart/Stroke Association in partnership with First Church. We need at least 10 health volunteers and 50 participants in order to implement this. You can sign up your family and friends including those who are not members of our church. Please seriously consider participating in this effort to help bring us all into improved spiritual and physical health, as we seek to follow God’s plan for our bodies. This is also a great tool to reach out and share the love and care of Jesus Christ with our neighbors.
Let’s begin to have a culture of wellness in our families and in our community by keeping the temple of God (our physical body) in good shape! We can start by participating in a Heart360 program offered at our church. The Heart360 is a cardiovascular wellness tool designed to help reduce/manage the blood pressure of the members of our congregation and can also track other helpful health data such as weight and physical activity. This is a free healthcare tool being provided by the American Heart/Stroke Association in partnership with First Church. We need at least 10 health volunteers and 50 participants in order to implement this. You can sign up your family and friends including those who are not members of our church. Please seriously consider participating in this effort to help bring us all into improved spiritual and physical health, as we seek to follow God’s plan for our bodies. This is also a great tool to reach out and share the love and care of Jesus Christ with our neighbors.
Heart360 Webinar
Contact Information and Sign Up for the Heart360 Program
Click here for an overview of the Heart360 program.
Click here for Heart360 brochure.
Click here for an enrollment form that you can print out and turn in either to Richard Ramos or at the receptionist desk in the church offices.
Click here for Heart360 brochure.
Click here for an enrollment form that you can print out and turn in either to Richard Ramos or at the receptionist desk in the church offices.